Tips on Using Child Resistant Vapors through Custom Vape Cartridge Packaging

Vape cartridge packaging has revolutionized the electronic cigarette industry. It's important to know a little history before going into detail about why it is so unique.

As with many electronic products, there was initially a lot of controversy over the legality of vending electronic cigarettes.

There are two main camps of people that believe in the "right to smoke" rightfully, and those that don't.

Naturally, there are always the people on both sides that seem to have their own arguments, but the truth is that smokers are becoming very vocal about their views on this issue.

The second camp is represented by the people that support "right to smoke" laws.

In fact, there is so much more to Vaping cartridge box customization than you might think, and you really ought to pay attention to them when making your purchasing decisions.

For example, one thing you should never do is use standard cart packaging. When people see standard glass or plastic cart packaging they automatically think of cigarettes and cigars, and they think that's all that Vaporizer Cigarette Products (also called vaporizers) offer. But that is not true.

Observe Vape Cartridge Packaging Yourself

If you go to any electronic store you will see dozens if not hundreds of different sizes, colors and designs of custom vape cartridge packaging.

It's pretty much impossible to stock all of these different sizes in a physical store. The key to effective vape cartridge packaging is to design it in such a way that customers can easily recognize it.

It's actually pretty amazing the number of people who are unaware that there are different sizes and designs for the vaporizer. So what can you do about that?

Ways to Differentiate Between Packaging and Glass Containers

There are two different ways to differentiate between standard sizes for vaporizers and the glass and plastic containers that store them in.

The first way is with lettering or in some cases a logo. That way when a customer goes to pick up their next vaporizer, they will instantly know which vaporizer is which.

The second way to identify sizes is with different colors and different designs. You may have already noticed the color schemes of the bottles of vaporizers that are rectangular or square shaped.

Make Sure You Have the Right Symbols or Graphics for Vape Packaging

In addition to making sure you have clear and easy to recognize sizes, you also want to make sure you have the right symbols or graphics for your vaporizer cigarettes.

A lot of times, especially with customized flavors and other types of products, it's harder for consumers to associate those symbols or graphics with the brand name of the product.

So, it's really critical for marketing purposes that you include some sort of graphics, sometimes in the form of an image or logo, on your custom vape cartridge packaging.

This is why many marketers choose to use offset printing to create their Vaporizer Cigarette packaging.

Not only does it let you have a lot of different options when it comes to colors and designs, but it also lets you include graphics and symbols that will help make your branding more recognizable.

Choose Recycled Materials for Cardboard Boxes

When it comes to eco-friendly or green design, many marketers choose to go with recycled cardboard boxes.

While cardboard boxes are generally known for being used for packaging paper and cardboard products, it's actually been found that some of the highest quality boxes are made from recycled cardboard materials.

In addition to helping you stay environmentally friendly, you will find that using recycled cardboard boxes for your vaporizer cartridges helps you stick to a budget as well.

Many of the most eco-friendly vaporizers will have cardboard boxes or other similar containers that are designed in such a way that they allow you to use less paper while still creating a high quality product.

When it comes to using eco-friendly or child-resistant packaging, most marketers choose to do so with thick cardboard boxes that are made from recycled materials.

These are both very durable and they can help you ensure that children will not be able to open the colorful, eye-catching, colorful vaporizer packaging cartridge boxes.

In addition to offering durability and safety for your customers and your brand, the cardboard boxes exit bags that you use for your vaporizer cartridge packaging will help you make sure that your products are kid-proof and easy for children to use.

Most kids enjoy coloring and enjoying the different materials that are included in your kid's vaporizer products, which is why it's important that you offer colorful and eye-catching packaging.


Finally, eco-friendly and child-resistant packaging is something that all vaporizers should be able to support.

Most manufacturers offer these materials and it's up to you whether or not you go with the eco-friendly options.

However, if you choose to use the eco-friendly or the child-resistant options you will find that your customers and your bottom line will increase sales.

The reason why more marketers and business owners are choosing to go green with their marketing is because it helps customers and increases sales.

Now that you know how great these eco-friendly or child-resistant vaporizer cartridge boxes are, it's time that you consider using these materials to package your Vaporizer Cartridges.